Tuesday, March 11, 2008


For anyone that cares, I failed my biology test. I got a 28/30 on my Spanish essay and a 99% on my geometry chapter 10 test. But i still failed biology, so I'm kind of bummed. And I got a 90% on my English test and a 100% on the essay part of that test... So I guess overall I did okay. Just Biology...

I just had a burrito and Chinese food for dinner. It sounds disgusting, but it was pretty good.

Since Sunday I've practiced... 10 hours, just for solo ensemble. Our trio is starting to resemble a song. It's still not looking to good though.

Because of the exit exams recently and all of the sophmores in my classes, my teachers have been giving me nothing but busy work. It's annoying. We're watching March of the Penguins in Biology. And in History we're doing this outline that takes 45 minutes, but he gives us two days to do it. I guess I should appreciate the break but, I just want to learn something useful.

Over the course of time people have asked me what ethnicity I am, and all I can respond with is, "I have no idea." But yesterday I tried to set things straight. And it's come to this- I'm mainly German, British, Italian and Irish. I think that's mostly it. I know some of my ancestors are from Wales.

Sorry for this extremely random post.



Sheena said...

chinese food and a burrito..that's an interesting collaboration of food..that's very cultural of you.

oh cool you are British! i wish were british...jolly good.

Marcea said...

AHHHHHHHH! JULIA!!! If you keep saying that you failed your biology test, people are actually going to believe you got a "D" or worse! =P Stop saying you failed it! You got a "B"! I mean, and "B"!!! that is a GOOD grade! You can't expect to get an "A" on everything. I know you studied very hard, so I think it was a well earned "B"

I'm glad solo/ensemble is over. =]
My thumb was ready to fall off that whole last week! But i'm going to go practice my clarinet later, I can finally put all my attention on other music. =D

I hope you have a nice break! =]