Sunday, February 24, 2008

Music and the Oscars

I've had a few songs stuck in my head over this weekend. I'll try to share them with you. (Forgive me if I screw this up- putting up these links is new for me...)

One of the songs was Rhapsody in Blue. I love that song... This link is actually only the first part. The song is about 16- 17 minutes long.

The second song was played by District Honor Band, so I don't know why I have it my head. It's Overture to Candide. Fun stuff. It's a good song to have stuck in your head.

While I was working on my English paper today, I listened to Holst: The Planets, and a full CD of Yo-Yo Ma. I personally like Mercury, the Winged Messenger and Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity. Well, that's enough of my geeky music-ness for today.

We just finished the movie Schindler's List the other day in history class. What a wonderful movie. I want to re-watch it, so I can take it all in. Last time I was to worried about answering a handout we got, that I wasn't fully able to enjoy the whole movie. Well, not enjoy, but think about. It's great though.

I just came home from watching the Oscars tonight. Each year some family and friends take this poll, in which you vote for who you think will win. I am proud to say that I won for the least amount of correct answers. It was quite thrilling. But after watching the Oscars I know want to see Atonement and Juno, even though it does look kind of stupid. And I definatley don't want to see No Country for Old Men, or Sweeny Todd. They look like horrible, disgusting movies if I do say so myself.

I'm trying to convince a fellow clarinet player that he should get a pet. Specifically a beta fish. Who else agrees that pet- owning is a great experience? I think that everyone should have a pet...

I must share that I have successfully completed two history assignments and and English paper, in the alloted time given. I was rather proud. One of the History assignments was to write a "Dear John" letter to your boyfriend/fiancee/husband. It was basically a break-up letter. It was set in World War II. I was Alice Meyer, from Cordova, Maryland. And I was writing to Peter Hall who was a naval officer stationed in Australia. I wrote it on June 15th, 1942. Oh, it was so much fun!
Well, that's all for now. I should really go to bed...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Band, Band, Band

Gosh, I love band and music and the clarinet, and everything related to these things. You might get tired of me talking about music, but, eh, i don't care.
I just got back from practicing Monochrome III, and boy do I love it. I love playing with these people because they really care about music and they're all fantastic players. And Schickele is amazing. That song is horrific at times, but then beautiful the next second. Oh, and I learned on Wednesday (our first rehearsal date) that I have a solo! It's only one bar and one note, but it's a solo! And it's a fermata too! I have total control for one whole measure. I was so psyched. So yes, practice went well, and I'm really excited for it all.
Yesterday Marcea came over and we practiced for our trio, and then just played random music. It was loads of fun. We pulled out some of our Jr. High music and played that. Honestly, some of those songs are harder than the ones we play in Concert Band.
We had our second Clarinet Choir class last Wednesday, and it was great. I'm kinda hoping we get less jazz- sounding pieces, but I like it none-the-less. I love playing with these musicians too. They're fun, but they take it seriously at the same time. And Dr. Price. I can't wait to just keep soaking in all of the knowledge he's giving us. Yea, last Wednesday was great. Monochrome rehearsal, practicing at home, going to clarinet choir. Good stuff.
The more music-related things I do, the happier I become. It's a great thing. I really hope I can pull off becoming a full-on musician in the future.
Okay, I'm done talking about band (for now). I'm a total geek, but hey, at least I'm aware.

So the other day, my cat (her name's Annabelle) walks into the house from the backyard and her fur is brown. We were only concerned because her fur is actually white. She was covered in dirt. So we ushered her into the bathroom, where we proceeded to give her a bath. This would seem like a stupid idea to most people, but Annabelle is just weird. She likes water. In the morning, she goes and lays in the sink, and doesn't move when someone turns the faucet on... It's really strange, so I won't try to explain it, but she like water. So yea. The bath worked, and now Annabelle's fur is it's normal color. I have pictures on my phone, but I don't know how to get them on the computer, so too bad. Sorry.

I took a few friends to chruch the other day, and it was great. I think they enjoyed themselves, at least I hope they did. We went to In-N-Out afterwards too. I love it there. The french fries actually taste like potatoes. It's amazing! I really like my church. It's unique and kind of strange, but it suits me. We have our own youth building, our own youth band, and quite a few youth pastors. So, it's pretty youth- oriented. Oh, we have our own Starbucks too. Oh yea- And if any one ever wants to come with, (be it anyone that I know...) just let me know, and I'd be thrilled to take you.

I've determined that I watch too many movies. This weekends count is... 3 and 1/2. Which might not seem like a lot, but it's all relevant. Like, that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, considering I have a research paper due in English in a week. (Opps.) And assigned reading questions due in a week and one day. And a History project due in... what do you know, a week. So yea, I guess I should find better uses of my time. Like practicing my clarinet! See, there are other ways to procrastinate.

Well, there you have it. Band, cats, church, movies, band. Yep. That's my life... Sorry if this post was a little scattered.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Movies and Fruit

Our three day weekend is over now and i have accomplished nothing. Well, not nothing, just nothing spectacular. I've done a whole lot of English homework, visited my family, ate some tacos, and practiced my clarinet for approximately 8 hours... maybe 9...
I watched a couple of movies too. Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End and National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The third Pirates is a decent movie, but sometimes I get that one and the second one mixed up. But what I like about it is the soundtrack. There are just a couple of parts in the movie where you just listen and say... "Hey, that was cool."
Then I saw National Treasure 2 for the third time. The first time was at the midnight showing, which was kind of lame, since there were about 20 people in the theater. The second time was with some clarinet friends, which was fun, even though we missed 10 minutes of it and we were sitting in the second row. And the most recent time I saw it with my dad. The movie is okay, but I think I liked the first one better.
I was watching the Grammy's the other day thinking- "I have no idea who any of these people are." I'm only half way into the show on tivo, but still. Oh that's right. I knew who Fiest was. I shouldn't say I didn't know why they were, just that I had never listened to their songs. Most of the bands I like aren't very popular, but oh well.
So now for the random stuff- What is your favorite fruit? Personally, I like pineapple and cantaloupe. And yes, that is how you spell cantaloupe... can·ta·loupe [kan-tl-ohp]–noun
1. a variety of melon, of the gourd family, having a hard scaly or warty rind, grown in Europe, Asia, and the United States.... Wow, of the gourd family. I didn't know that. Apples are good to, as well as bananas. And I actually like tangelos more than oranges. But anyways, what is your favorite fruit? Hmm, and now that I think of it, I probably know the favorite fruits of all of my blog audience. Considering I can only think of 3 or 4 people that would actually read this.
Before I go, I also wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to President Lincoln and thank him for a relaxing, non-productive, three-day weekend. Now I'm going to go eat a Costco muffin.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Monochrome III

Okay, if this works, then you should be able to listen to Monochrome III, by Peter Schickele (pdq bach.) It is pretty cool and kinda ugly sounding. On this recording, there is like 3 minutes of talking before they play, so just stay with it.
Yea, all day I've been working on this piece. And for anyone who has seen it, I've especially been working on the 16th notes in the middle of the song. I could get a measure number, but I don't really feel like it. (Hey, it's a Friday, I'm allowed to be lazy.)
Well I hope the link works.


Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hi. I'm Julia... Due to the insisting of a few friends, I now own this blog. Just a heads up- I don't completely know how this works so I'm kind of expirimenting right now. Hmm. I hope this works.
Well I guess i'll just start typing and see how it turns out. An introduction is in order. I'm Julia. I go to QH. I'm a freshman. I'm in the Pre- IB program and will most likely move over to some AP classes. But I'll figure all that out in due time.
I've played the clarinet for about 6 years now, and I'm pretty sure I'll want to play it for the rest of my life. It's pretty awesome to be able to play a musical instrument and be surrounded by people who have the same musical skills as you. I also play the tenor saxophone. It's pretty awesome too. I played it for Jazz Band throughout middle school.
I'm in the marching band at QH and the concert band as well. Concert band isn't really anything special (no offense to anyone in it). I'm looking forward to Symphonic Band my sophmore year and hopefully Wind Ensemble too... Oh and Pep Band. And District Honor Band, but that's a whole different story.
I'm doing this thing (for band- what a shock) called Solo Ensemble Festival. It will be my fourth year participating. I'm doing a trio with a couple of other clarinets and a clarinet ensemble with 8 other clarinets. I'm pretty stoked for that myslef, considering i never thought I would be invited into the group and I enjoy hanging with/ playing with the other members of the ensemble. We just got the music today, and our first practice will be on Tuesday or something like that. Excitment!
Oh and I almost forgot. The same people that convinced me to get this blog also convinced me to start this class at the community college. The class is called Clarinet Choir. It's only been a week, but I've enjoyed it so far. I'm really excited to see where it goes.
So I'm basically what people call a band geek. And i never deny it. I'm rather proud actually. Almost every social thing I do is band related, and almost every friend I have is in band.
So I guess that's the background to me. Oh another fact- I like to go to bed pretty early, (well, compared to most teenagers.) so i think I'll leave now and sleep.
Thanks for reading!
